When and Where is the race?
23 July 2021 – SwanLake, North coast, Egypt.
From 7 am till 2 pm Athletes should arrive 1 hour prior to their races.
What are the distances and corresponding age groups?
Super Sprint Race (Age 12+) – Individual only
Sprint Race (Age 14+) – Individual & Relay
Family Aquathlon – Parent with children ages 6 – 8 years old
Youth (Age 9 – 12 years old) – Individual only
Youth (Age 12 to 16 years old) – Individual only
Elite (Age 16 and above) – Individual & Relay
What is the Family aquathlon?
It’s a fun race where you get to enjoy spending some quality time with your kids in a race mode. You will both go through the whole race together which consists of 100m Swim & 1 Km Run. Be creative on how you can finish the race with your kids while enjoying the experience. Note: You can use floaters or any other swimming tools.
What do I need to do on race week?
You will need to check the race briefing and event’s rules & regulations that will be announced. Furthermore, you need to pick up the kits prior to the race day in the announced dates and locations below.
What is a timing chip/tracking device?
The timing chip/tracking device is an essential part of your race experience. It calculates your race times and splits from start to finish. You will receive your tracking device at the transition area before your race, and you must wear it during the race on your left ankle (not to be damaged by the bike gear if worn on the right ankle). Once you finish the race you must return it to the volunteers in the transition area so we can calculate the race timing.
Will there be a “Lost & Found” corner during the event?
Lost and found items will be kept by the team in the location it was found in during the race. After the conclusion of the event, all lost items will be reserved for their owners to ask about them anytime. If you will not be able to collect them during the event day, please contact info@eagles-sm.com to ask about your lost item and schedule returns.
*All unclaimed items will be donated within 30 days.
Are there restrooms that I can use during the event day?
Yes, the restrooms are at the clubhouse.
Are there medical services at the event?
Yes. We have medical services at every point during and after the race, as well as ambulances the entire time. There is also physiotherapy service available for all athletes during or directly after their races.

Locations and dates for picking up the kits?
18/7 Park View, New Cairo 5pm to 11 pm
21-22/7 Buns&Dawgs in Front of Diplo 3, North Coast 4pm to 7 pm
What does the race kit include?
Bib number, swim cap, helmet/bike labels, T-shirt, race entrance wristband for the athlete +1 Black wristbands for the participant’s spectator and many more surprises.
Tracking devices (Timing Chips) will be picked up at the entrance of the transition area before the start of each race.
Can a family member/friend check-in and pick-up my race kit?
You have the choice to pick up your kit or delegate it to your family member/friend. Make sure to send the barcode sent in your confirmation email.
Waivers should be signed by athletes and held in at the entrance gate
What if I can’t make it to athlete check-In within the designated days?
You must check-in and pick up your race kit during designated check-in days. If you miss the designated days, you will not be able to attend the race.

Is there a parking slot inside SwanLake?
All cars must park outside the compound and there will be a shuttle bus for transportation from the compound’s main gate to the event main gate. There will be a Bike maintenance station at the compounds gate so that if you want to ride your bike to the Event’s main gate the distance from Swanlake entrance to the race area is 1.5 KM.
Is there a shuttle bus from other compounds to Swan Lake and back on race day?
Yes, locations and timings will be announced soon.
Where can athletes leave their valuable stuff?
There will be lockers in the venue available for storage.
When should athletes arrive? When will the transition area close?
Athletes should arrive one hour minimum prior to their race time.
Sprint: Transition Area opens at 6 am and closes at 6:45 am. Athletes can grab their bikes at 9:15 am
Aquathlon: Transition Area opens at 8 am and closes at 8:45 am.
Super sprint: Transition Area opens at 9:15 am and closes at 10 am. Athletes can grab their bikes at 11:10 am
Should athletes wear wristbands?
Definitely, Athletes will not be allowed to enter the transition area nor start the race without wearing their wristbands.
When could an athlete grab his/her bike from the transition area after the race?
After the end of each race:
- Sprint cut-off time: 2:15 hours, Athletes should grab their bikes at 9:15 am
- Supersprint, Athletes should grab their bikes at 11:10 am
Will a spectator be allowed to cross the finish line with an athlete?
NO, Friends and/or family members are not permitted to cross the finish line or enter the finish line with participating athletes. This policy allows each competitor with adequate time to celebrate their accomplishment without interfering with other finishers and ensure the safety of all participants, volunteers, and spectators.
Will spectators be allowed into the finish area to greet my athlete?
Unfortunately, due to high congestion in the finish line area, no spectators will be allowed inside. Please do not try to gain access to this area, as it must remain clear for the safety of the athletes.
Can spectators cross roads during the race time?
No, Spectators will only be allowed to cross roads from the crossing points under the supervision of the volunteers
When should athletes and spectators leave Swan Lake?
Athletes and their spectators must leave SwanLake maximum by 2 pm after all races has ended.
Will there be live online tracking and results on race day?
Yes, during the event there will be live race day coverage including athlete tracking and up-to-date race results. Download our MYLAPS Sporthive Live to track your athlete.
Are the athletes and spectators allowed to use the lagoon?
Athletes and spectators are only allowed to use the lagoon. (No pools are allowed)
When will the winners be announced?
Winners will be announced after the cut off time of each race at the clubhouse.
Sprint cut-off time: 2:15 hours, winners announced at 9:15 am
Supersprint cut-off time: 1:20 hours, winners announced at 11:35 am

What do I need for the swim?
Swimsuit/ tri suite (Burkinis for Hijabis) – goggles – swim cap – towel (after the swim)
Once you enter the water, you must follow the proper course and complete the correct distance as described per race in the briefing. You should return to the transition area after finishing the swim course distance.
What do I do if I need assistance during the swim?
If you feel the need, please turn on your back and raise an arm in the air to attract attention from the swim safety crew.
What do I need for the Cycling Course?
Helmet, Shoes or cycling cleats, Socks, Sunglasses, Water bottle(s).
You must complete the correct distance as described per race at the briefing. Make sure to wear the helmet before and during the whole cycling discipline.
You MUST stick to the right side of the road while cycling. When overtaking another cyclist, you must only do so on the left-hand-side of the road in order to avoid collisions. You should return to the transition area after finishing the cycling distance.
Is there anyone that can fix my bike in case of any mechanical obstacle during the race, e.g. flat tire?
Yes, there will be a team of professional bike mechanics on the road during the race, and they will be able to assist you with your problem. If it is not fixable, you may complete the bike course on your foot with your bike by your side.
What are the rules and restrictions of the bike discipline?
- All electronic devices are prohibited on the course.
- Your race number must be put on your helmet and bike.
Are there water and nutrition stations during the ride?
Yes, there will be 1 Aid Station in the bike course that provides water and nutrition supplies. Each lap the athlete will pass by it to grab his needs. That depends on each Race’s number of Laps.
What is the street made of?
Streets are made of interlock.
What do I need for the running Discipline?
Shoes and sunglasses or caps
You must follow the proper course and complete the correct distance as described per race in the briefing. Directional signs will be available all over the course for guidance.
In the Run course, how frequent are the distance markers?
The course will have distance markers in kilometers.
Are there water and nutrition stations during the run?
Yes, there will be 1 Aid Station in the running course that provides water and nutrition. Each lap the athlete will pass by it to grab his needs. (Twice in sprint race and once in supersprint race)
Can I listen to music on the run?
No, all kinds of Electronic devices are prohibited during the Race.
What is the running track made of?
Track is made of interlock.
Are there cut-off times for the races?
Sprint cut-off time: 2:15 hours
Super sprint cut-off time: 1:20 hours
Will I receive an official finisher’s medal?
Yes, athletes who participate in this race will receive a finisher medal at the finish line.